Friday, April 24, 2015

Day 10 at Classic City High School: 4/20/2015

This was my last day at Classic City.  I had mixed feelings about it.  Part of me was happy because I didn't have to get up early anymore, but then part of me was sad because I wouldn't be able to grow as a potential teacher.  I showed up a little later than usual because I decided to get munchkins for the class as a thank you.  When I walked into class Mrs. Smith was shocked that I had brought donuts for everyone.  This surprised me a little bit because most people I have interned with in the past have also brought a little thank  you gift to their site on their last day.  After telling the class they could have donuts I went with Becca to work on her annotation log again.

This time Becca was having to read for comprehension and look for critical passages.  I knew this would be hard for her and that this would slow the process down quite a bit.  I did the same thing that I did the first time by picking out the critical passages for her and have her think about them.  It was harder to keep Becca focused this day, but I think it had a lot to do with it being a Monday instead of a Wednesday.  She was frustrated because she was so behind and she knew that she had more to do after finishing the log and reading the book.  I understood where she was coming from because English is a hard class to catch up in, but I also know that she doesn't try to work at home.  I felt so torn because part of me thinks that she could read five pages at home every night and get a lot done but she also works and probably has a lot of responsibilities at home to deal with.  We didn't get as many annotations done because she had to read as well as annotate instead of just going through the pages trying to find annotations.

After class I talked to Mrs. Smith some more and told her thank you for letting me work with your class.  She responded with a no, thank you.  She told me that if I ever needed anything to contact her and that she would be willing to help.  I learned a lot from Mrs. Smith and respect her very much.  I am very blessed to have worked with such an amazing teacher.

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