Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 8 at Classic City High School: 4/1/2015

Unfortunately this day I did not stay very long at all.  I got to the school at 9:00 am like I usually do and waited for Mrs. Smith to come to the door around 9:10 and then have a little chat and then get a student to tutor.  This did not happen though.  Another woman, Mrs. Kell came to open the door.  Mrs. Kell is a different teacher at the school and it turned out that Mrs. Smith was not there that day.  I stayed in the classroom to see if maybe one of the students I usually tutor would show up and work with him or her, but none of them came.  The other students did not want to work with me, which I understood because none of them have ever had a tutor because they are always in class and on task.  Finally Mrs. Kell told me that it would be okay if I left, so after thirty minutes I left.

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