Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day 7 at Classic City High School: 3/25/2015

This day I was excited to give my book to Mrs. Smith so that she could read it and then talk about it.  I got to Classic City early and was just waiting for class to start as usual.  Not many people were in the classroom which I had experienced before so I was not too shocked by it.  Mrs. Smith came into the room and told me that it was a half day because everyone was having parent teacher conferences. This surprised me, because where I grew up parent teacher conferences were done in the mornings or after school so we never got a half day because of it.  She told me that first period would only last until 10:00 instead of 10:40.  I didn't think much of it and just asked her who she wanted me to work with.  Bill was still not at school, but Starla was. I worked with Starla again.

I enjoy working with Starla because she is friendly and hard working. I never have to really push her to do her work because she wants to get it done.  She also talks with me, which is a huge bonus.  We started working on the assignment which was just writing a paragraph or two, and then we had to watch a youtube video.  I am not able to listen because there are not two outlets to put in headphones, but I watched with her.  We then went over a powerpoint over annotations.  Starla is smart so a lot of the powerpoint seemed obvious, but she still took notes over what she thought was really important.  We went through a few slides, but then class was over.

I enjoyed working with Starla and hope to continue to work with her.

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